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“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
Build a clean and safe environment for discipling kids, students and families. When parents show up to our check-in stations, we want them to know we’ve been praying for their kids, we’re prepared for their kids, we’ve prepared a safe environment, and we’re going to tell their kids about Jesus. Our buildings should communicate that too. This project will do just that and accommodate our growth allowing us to plan for the future while helping as many families as possible hear, see, and follow Jesus.
What will it do?
-Provide clean and updated environments for families of kids K-12 (Birth through 4 years was completed in 2020.)
-Ensure families with special and mobility needs are included and capable of involvement
-Update safety and access features
-Update small group and large group spaces for K-12th grade
-Set up our buildings for future growth and expansion
We are praying for God to work in the hearts of the congregation that The Beyond Goal will be fully funded by the faithful giving of Arcadians. If necessary, with the blessing of Arcadians, we would pursue financing and are open to both private and corporate options.
During the renovation of the 200 building (Gym), the 100 building (where the kids currently meet) will remain operational. You will continue to drop your kids, birth through 5th grade, in their current rooms through the duration of the project. The demolition of the 100 building will begin after the 200 building project is complete.
Middle School and High School ministries will utilize other large meeting spaces on campus. Staff ministry leaders are currently working on room assignments and will announce these changes as the project approaches. While changes in meeting spaces will be required, we don’t anticipate any schedule changes.
Actual building designs are currently being made and should be submitted to the county by end of year. Once the plans have been submitted to the county, we will then seek bids from potential contractors. That process could take a couple of months. Lord-willing, the construction will start soon after the contractor is secured.
Current Estimate: 8 to 12 months
Current Estimate: 3.5 Million
The projected costs for renovation of both the 100 and 200 buildings would far exceed the cost of the proposed project.
Replacing the 100 building would require displacing ArcadeKids as we do not have adequate alternative facilities. This would likely diminish the momentum and growth currently happening in this department. Additionally, new build costs alone are projected to be at least 10 million and we would still be left with a 200 building requiring millions in renovation.
For the same reason as above. Additionally, the 100 building, due to age and code, requires attention regardless of renovations to the 200 building.
The 100 building has been a wonderful resource for almost 80 years. It was originally built, maintained, and adapted by a team of sacrificial volunteers. Currently, this building requires many updates to be brought to code, meet new standards for security, and resource current ministry needs. Demolishing this building will provide an open-air space to be used for large group games and other activities by our family ministries departments. Additionally, the removal of this building will provide needed space for future growth should momentum continue, and additional extensions or new buildings be required.
By continuing to pray. We believe the Beyond Goal is in alignment with our mission and vision. Pray with us for a spirit of peace and unity as we move through this process together.
By affirming. We believe God answers the prayer of His people. We are confident this is the right path for Arcade. On September 15 we are asking Arcadian members to participate in discerning if this is the right project for Arcade’s future. You can do that in person on the 15th or by visiting the church office in person September 9-12. A digital option will soon be available for members as well.
By donating. You can give online directly to the “Beyond Goal” at and through the app. In the Fall, additional details regarding how you can be involved will become available to you. For information regarding non-cash gifts such as stocks, QCDs, and other tools contact Brian Clifton.
While our campus has many needs, including updating restrooms, the fellowship hall, and other carpeted areas we are preparing to do just that. These projects will happen through the general budget simultaneous to the Beyond Goal efforts.
The kids and students of Arcade Church have always been a top priority. There are two significant factors, however, that are influencing the decision to proceed on the proposed project. First, both the 100 and 200 buildings are at the point where significant renovation needs to be done. Second, God has seen fit to cause the entire kids and student ministries to explode numerically. Because of this, the existing facilities have become prohibitive for the leaders to operate their ministries the way they believe they need. If that continues, numerical growth will plateau and eventually decline due, in large part, to the limited facilities.
Assuming that the proposed project cost is $3.5 million, as an average, each current giver would need to give an additional $175 per month for 3 years.
Yes. We have included an outdoor place for games. We’re currently working on an option for a sport court in the new outdoor space surrounding the 200 building. Stay tuned for more info on this update.
Arcade has the best Family Ministries staff around! These gifted men and women are pros at navigating change, and celebrate the growth the Lord is bringing to Family Ministries. In the event one of our ministries outgrows a space before planned, this team will celebrate the Lord’s blessing and work together to dream the best solution.
Persons requiring assistance between floors, including those who use a wheelchair, will be able to easily access the second floor via an elevator in the lobby.
In the near future the congregation will be asked to give and/or pledge their gift toward the Beyond Goal. We’re praying the entire bill for the project will be paid through the faithful giving of Arcadians.