The Elder Board is excited to unanimously introduce Chris Vaughan for Church approval as Creative Arts Pastor.
As a student, God worked through a couple of friends to bring Chris to faith in Christ and to use his musical talent serving Him and shepherding His people. Chris has served 14 years in local church ministry in Texas, most of that time as the Worship Minister at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio.
In addition to his gift of shepherding and vast musical talent, Chris’s conviction for seeing the Word of God transform lives and become the driving force of their worship and lifestyle makes us excited to offer him to you for approval by vote on February 28.
We invite you to come to an evening of questions and answers with Pastor Craig, Pastor Brian, and Pastor Chris. We will meet in the worship center and on Facebook and YouTube at 7pm on Thursday, February 25. You can text your questions in at any time to 1-916-572-2822 or email them to