Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
Run to Feed the Hungry 2019
Free Produce Truck in the Becerra Parking Lot
Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (SFBFS) was started more than four decades ago because a pioneering Sacramentan was tired of watching people go hungry. His name was Fr. Dan Madigan. He single-handedly started a movement that isn’t afraid to tackle our county’s challenges
He went all-in.
Soon, our community was being fed. And clothed. And educated. And perhaps most importantly, they were connected with resources in the region that would allow them to live the life they wished with dignity and grace. Though we have since outgrown the basement where we were founded, we remain rooted in our history of responding to the promising opportunities and pressing needs of our neighbors.
Today, SFBFS has evolved from a food pantry to a provider of services for lifelong Sacramento residents—as well as immigrants and refugees who have chosen to make Sacramento their home. Each client we serve comes to us with a unique set of circumstances. Each also comes with a collective hope: to step out of poverty and into a future that allows them to flourish.
Arcade Church is involved in many aspects of Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services. We sponsor and distribute waters at the Annual Run to Feed the Hungry; we host the free food distribution once a week in the Becerra parking lot; we send teams to the sorting and distribution sites around Sacramento to organize clothing and supplies and food. Check out the Sac Food Bank’s website to find out how you can get involved right now.