A Note From Pastor Craig

It’s already been said a thousand times but I’ll say it again - these are crazy days.

The days are crazy because fear is as pandemic as the virus itself. And like the virus – the fear is spreading - quickly. If we’re not afraid that COVID will overrun us, we’re afraid the government will. Pick your poison - we’re afraid. One of the things that will help dispel that fear is to take a sabbatical from social media and gather with other believers for the purpose of worshiping the One who holds all things - our gracious and good God (Colossians 1:17). That’s why I am absolutely giddy for this Sunday’s on campus gathering at 8:30am in the courtyard. For more information regarding that gathering, please see our website here.

As enthusiastic as I am for Sunday to come, it does not negate the fact that the Bride of Christ is in a time of crisis. Ironically, it’s not because of COVID or our Governor but rather, it’s because of us. It appears that we, the Church, are the ones creating the crisis and thus spreading fear.

Here is what I mean: Recently, I have received well over a dozen links to a letter put out by John MacArthur on behalf of the church he has faithfully pastored for five decades - Grace Community Church. You can read the letter here. Dr. MacArthur has been a key influencer in my life during my 40 years of ministry. I thank God for him and I truly believe he has done significant good for the Church. This is NOT one of those times. In case you haven’t read the document, the Elders of Grace Community Church (led by Dr. MacArthur) published a letter indicating that they, “cannot and will not acquiesce to a government-imposed moratorium on [their] weekly congregational worship...gatherings.” To no one’s surprise, Dr. MacArthur does an excellent job in using Scripture to back up his assertions. However, the conclusions he states can lead the casual reader to go down a path that leads to divisiveness within the Body.

First, the phrase “government-imposed moratorium” is misleading. The Governor has not outlawed, prevented or forbidden congregations to gather. He has merely asked us to gather outdoors in unlimited numbers with appropriate social distancing. Please know that I’m not a huge fan of Governor Newsom. That said, there is zero indication, at this point, that he is trying to persecute Christians. That is almost always a leap that Christians foolishly make when there is a politician in office they don’t like. There is every indication that the Governor is merely trying to preserve lives. Do I wish he would go about it a different way? Yes, but that’s why he’s the Governor and I’m not.

Second, in my opinion, Grace Community is wasting a moment of civil disobedience on something that doesn’t have to be considered civil disobedience. Just because the government wants the church to do something the church may not want to do doesn’t mean the church is being persecuted. There will come a day when civil disobedience will need to be exercised. This is not the day. On the day the government announces that COVID is over and everything can now re-open – except churches – on that day you will get a different email from me. Until then, do we really want to deliberately place ourselves in opposition to a government that doesn’t appear to be opposing us (at least when it comes to the virus)?

Third, and the thing that brings me the greatest frustration, is that the letter insinuates that if we don’t do it Dr. MacArthur’s way, then we are in disobedience to Scripture. The letter states…

“In fact, pastors who cede their Christ-delegated authority in the church to a civil ruler have abdicated their responsibility before their Lord and violated the God-ordained spheres of authority as much as the secular official who illegitimately imposes his authority upon the church.”

If Dr. MacArthur wants to think COVID is a big hoax or a conspiracy by the government to gain more power, great! Bully for him. He has every right to that opinion. But when it is insinuated that any pastor who doesn’t agree with him is succumbing to the government and acquiescing their role as shepherd of God’s flock, Dr. MacArthur is assuming an authority he doesn’t have. The letter continues…

“Our prayer is that every faithful congregation will stand with us in obedience to our Lord as Christians have done through the centuries.”

This, again, only leads to the conclusion that if we do not join with Grace Community Church then we are in disobedience to God. To be clear, the determining factor of Arcade’s faithfulness to God’s Word is not decided by John MacArthur.

Brothers and sisters, I fervently pray you can sense my heart and passion regarding this issue. That is why, as your shepherd, I wanted to communicate directly with you. I do not enjoy coming against a man I have deeply respected over the years. But since many Arcadians have sent me links and many others have posted the letter on social media, I felt compelled to respond. This kind of stuff from a person of influence, like Dr. MacArthur, creates crisis, elevates fear and pits faithful Christians against equally faithful Christians. The Church of Jesus Christ does not need this. Our culture does not need this. If Dr. MacArthur wants to gather - fine. I truly pray God blesses him and his fellowship and keeps them all healthy, both physically and spiritually. Here at Arcade, our Elders and I have chosen a different direction. One we believe looks more like loving compliance to our neighbors as well as care for the folks of Arcade. We do not believe Dr. MacArthur’s fellowship is sinning in their action to gather indoors. Nor are we, in our action to gather outdoors.

So let me end with these words as your pastor of nearly 10 years. First off, please stop posting divisive statements on social media. Just stop it. Such things are not indicative of the kind of fruit Jesus would produce (Galatians 5:22,23) if he had access to social media. You all know as well as I, that as the presidential election draws near, the slander, vitriol, rumormongering and accusations are going to fly on every social media platform. May it not be from those who have been loved by God through Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:2). May we shock the world with messages of hope and assurance that Jesus is the one who reigns – regardless of who wins the election (Isaiah 40:21-24). May we keep the main thing the main thing (1 Corinthians 15:3,4). ALWAYS! No matter what!

Second, if you have learned anything about me during this time, you know that I hold the authority of Scripture as my ultimate authority. I, nor the Elders, will ever lead Arcade in a way that violates this commitment to Scripture nor will we allow anyone to take the place of the one true Shepherd – Jesus. Jesus is the One your Elders and I look to regarding decisions and direction for Arcade Church. We pray, we agonize, we discuss, we even argue and then we pray some more – that God would grant us wisdom from above (James 1:5). For your good and His Glory.

I love you. I pray for you and I can’t think of another group of people I want to follow Jesus with more than the brothers and sisters of Arcade Church.

Fear not! Jesus is King – LIVE!
